
news2024/9/21 16:31:03


  Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.


  uniforms a station swans a hot a handbag an airport a parrot a suitcase a chemist’s gloves insects n octopus dinosaurs


  You open this when it rains, and when you don’t get wet. an umbrella

  1.Most of these animals were very big and they lived a long time ago.

  2.Nurses, policemen, pilots and some schoolchildren have to wear these.

  3.You go there to buy medicine, and you can sometimes buy soap and toothbrush there, too.

  4.You carry your clothes and other things in this when you go on holiday.

  5.It has eight legs, and it lives in the water.

  6.You can fly to a lot of different places from here.

  7.These are sometimes made of wool, and you can put them on your hands when you are cold.

  8.These are big birds with long necks that live near rivers and lakes.

  9.You wait at this place before you got on a train.

  10.This animal has beautiful feathers and can learn to talk.

  Read the text and choose the best answer.


  Michael: hello, Katy. What did you do at weekend? C

  Katy: A: I’m going to the cinema.

  B: It was lovely, thank you.

  C: I went to the circus.

  1.Michael: Did you? What did you see?

  Katy: A: A camel.

  B: At the biggest circus.

  C: I went with my Mom.

  2.Michael: That sounds interesting. What did you do after that?

  Katy: A: I’m visiting a friend.

  B: I went to the cinema.

  C: I’d like to see a film.

  3.Michael: Have you seen the film called Batman yet?

  Katy: A: No, I didn’t.

  B: No, I haven’t.

  C: No, I won’t.

  4.Michael: I’m going to see it this Friday. Do you want to come with me ?

  Katy: A: I can go this week.

  B: I don’t like that.

  C: Yes, I’d like to.

  5.Michael: OK, shall we meet at 6:30?

  Katy: A. That would be fine.

  B. Thanks a lot.

  C. Well.

  Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

  Mrs. Jackson’s old grandfather lives with her and her husband. Every morning he always goes for a walk in the park after breakfast and then comes home at about half past eleven for his lunch.


  What’s the surname of the grandfather’s granddaughter? Jackson

  1. When does grandfather go for a walk every morning?

  2. Where does he have lunch?

  But this morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Jackson’s house at twelve o’clock, and two policemen got off the car. They helped old Mr. Jackson get out. One of them said to Mrs. Jackson, The old man lost his way in the park and phoned us for help, so we sent a car to bring him home. Mrs. Jackson felt very strange but she thanked the policemen for helping and they left.

  3. What time did Mr. Jackson get home this morning?

  4. Who sent Mr. Jackson back home?

  5. How did Mr. Jackson feel?

  After the policemen left Mr. Jackson asked, Grandfather, you have been to that park almost everyday for twenty years. How did you lose your way there? The old man laughed and said, I didn’t lose my way. I just got tired and I didn’t want to walk home.

  6. How often does old Mr. Jackson go to the park?

  7. Why didn’t he want to walk home?

  Read the passage and choose the proper word for each blank

  Most people live with their hands. But Jim 1 with his feet. How 2 Jim lives! Jim’s story began in a very small city in England. His parents 3 very poor. Seven people lived in their small house. Jim had no place to 4 except in the street. Jim’s father often played football. Little Jim wanted to play football, 5 .So his father made a football 6 him. It was not a real football. It was made 7 old cloth. The little boy played with it every day. At last Jim learned to play with a real football and after a 8 years, he could play football very 9 . Now Jim is one of the best football players 10 the world.

  1. live lives lived 6. of for to

  2. happy happier happily 7.in of for

  3. was are were 8. few little some

  4. play playing played 9. good well bad

  5. either also too 10. on in at

  Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.


  The weather in Shanghai is not always good. In winter it is very cold. February is colder than January. In spring it is wet. It rains a in April. May is nicer than April. It is warm and often dry. Summer is very hot. July and August are the months of the year. is fine. It is cool and it does not often rain.





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