短语fit on用汉语怎么样翻译

news2024/9/20 12:25:42

短语fit on用汉语怎么样翻译

很多人都觉得英语短语fit on比较简单,而忽略掉了它的汉语翻译形式。一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了英文短语fit on具体的汉语翻译吧,欢迎大家阅读!

短语fit on用汉语怎么样翻译

fit on的汉语翻译

英 [fit ɔn] 美 [fɪt ɑn]

fit on 基本解释

试穿; 把…安上

fit on的单语例句

1. If you're buying for someone, check the labels on a few of their bras to ensure a good fit.

2. Now the country is cashing in on the global appetite for what was once looked down upon as food fit only for paupers.

3. On top of that, the role has to fit my age and come with the right team.

4. The assaults on lesbians have been called " corrective rapes, " and are meant to humiliate and punish women who don't fit the norm.

5. BEIJING - China's top legislature on Tuesday discussed amendments to seven laws that would be changed to fit the amended Criminal Procedure Law.

6. The sticking plasters and daft advice on offer in Rome are not fit for the purpose.

7. Tourists have always been on the trail of divine destinations that leave them with heavenly memories - and Beijing's temples readily fit the bill.

8. Therefore, the responsibility falls on local governments to double check if designs fit within communities.

9. Pardew admits he is not surprised how well Zheng has fit in on the pitch and in the dressing room.

fit on的双语例句

1. Provide a short and broad beam, fit ted on the bumper.


2. On account of the lack of fit between policy and geographical locations and the mobility of manual labour, unbalanced regional development, a widening gap between have`s and have-not`s as well as poverty arose over the course of China`s economic development.


3. The Lord Buddha's teachings are beneficial in three ways, depending on which of these fit your particular character


4. At that point in time, my lists were long, written in small print to fit everything on one page.


5. You can make it as large as you can fit on your fabric.






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