英语strike in的中文翻译形式

news2024/9/20 10:43:11

英语strike in的中文翻译形式

在学习了英语strike in这一短语之后,我们要知道怎么用中文形式来翻译它。一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了英文strike in正确的中文翻译形式吧,欢迎大家阅读!

英语strike in的中文翻译形式

strike in的翻译形式

英 [straik in] 美 [straɪk ɪn]




1. They are trying to strike a deal that would see a Conservative-led government take power in Britain.


2. Elections in France later this year may also break the momentum to strike a deal.


3. Bus drivers strike in Yunnan as bus company privatizes [17:19]9365 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease in Yunnan


strike in的单语例句

1. Cab drivers went on strike in another two Chinese towns on Monday, demanding government intervention on issues including high monthly cab rental fees and unlicensed taxis.

2. The general strike forced authorities to cancel nearly all flights in and out of the nation's main airports.

3. The carnage was the latest of a series of calamities linked with Chechen separatists to strike Russia in the past week.

4. Some of the world's biggest quakes strike in subduction zones including the catastrophic Indian Ocean temblor in 2004 that generated deadly tsunami waves.

5. The strike took place shortly after Hamas militants celebrated in the streets at the release of another leader of the group by Palestinian security forces.

6. Freezing weather with a steep drop of over 12 or even 14 Celsius degrees in temperatures is forecasted to strike most parts of China.

7. A cold wave will strike northern China in the next two days, the Central Meteorological Station said today.

8. But the strike did not cause the utter chaos that many had feared, and traffic in many parts of town was surprisingly light.

9. Tsang's warning may strike a chord elsewhere in Asia, where inflows of capital threaten to create bubbles.

10. It was also the third terror strike on a Sinai resort in less than two years to coincide with a national holiday in Egypt.

strike in的双语例句

1. They are usually developed in the area where the stretching throws of the fracture have a decreasing-increasing change along the strike direction.


2. The meizoseismal area was oval in shape along NW direction with its major axis along the strike of the regional tectonic structure.


3. The strike, all over Egypt, created a rift in opinions, between those confirming its success and others announcing its abortion and even failure.


4. Netizen Angell basked in Pure Brightness in post of the hair on the net the experience that small long holiday uses consumptive certificate in Hangzhou: The businessman meets the place that can use travel certificate to stick the mark of a travel certificate on the door, the businessman gives travel ticket when you are consumed, the businessman helps you strike a rule at the back of your notebook, knock full 10 chapters throw lottery box to await win a prize in a lottery. Disappear take time looks for the businessman that has consumptive certificate sign, consumption just can be touched 40 yuan completely consume certificate with 10 yuan.


5. They decided to call a general strike in the following month.






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