
news2024/9/20 8:44:41


Since I was young, I have a special liking to draw, can bring a good painting has always been my dream. On paper the beautiful color is so wonderful! Today, we'll go to see a look 2015 children's creative painting series.


Since said originality, so can't simply draw on the paper. The teacher asked us to take some white hats, t-shirts, fan, box and so on to painting. It's not, some people take the paper plates, there are those who take the bottle!

After the excellent performances of the opening and the address of the host, we're going to lead! I can't wait to get out the fan and a pen and ready to start painting.

I according to the traditional Chinese painting book, a pen to draw a dash a grown very lush willow. I paint is a landscape painting, because spring is coming, willow sprout, green green, symbol of spring. Classical poetry said good: "jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash." I think that everyone should have a favorable to willow. Several willow tree alongside the somebody else, at the time, or a thatched house. Beside a small river, the river have a clump of reeds and fisherman in driving the boat... When I silence in my painting, on the edge of a classmate has been finished, I look down all eyes, oh, she draw is really good! On the curved crescent sat a little girl, can let a person quiet in the daydream of happiness.

Finished, we will put the pictures on the Internet. Each one beautiful works came into my eyes. Is really colorful!

Results released, though I didn't win, but I realized the joy of painting. With this dream, let us work to achieve your dream, let the dream fly!










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