
news2024/9/20 7:48:22





























  Dear Mr. Slick:

  I am writing to inquire about career opportunities in the fields of marketing and advertising. I am very interested in working at Ace Advertising, specifically in the Art Department.

  I will be graduating from Saint Michael’s College in May with a double major in Business Administration and Fine Arts. At Saint Michael’s, I have developed a very unique educational experience that has combined the financial, theoretical, and practical aspects of a business education with the creativity and design theories of a fine arts education. I have also become proficient with the computer applications prevalent in these fields, particularly Adobe Photo Shop, and QuarkXPress. As an intern at XYZ Communications, a major advertising firm in Burlington, Vermont, I was part of a creative team responsible for developing the graphic images illustrating the advertising copy for magazine and billboard promotions. During the summer of 1999, I studied in Venezuela where I acquired insight into the business and artistic forces affecting marketing and advertising, especially in a global marketplace.

  As a result of these experiences, I am confident that I will bring both technical skills and a fresh perspective to the creative team at Ace Communications. I am enclosing my resumé. Samples of my work can be viewed online at personalweb/apallett. References are available upon request from the Student Resource Center at Saint Michael’s College at (802) 654-2547.

  I would appreciate an interview with you at your convenience. I will be available at my campus address until my graduation on May 13th. After that I can be reached at my permanent address.

  I look forward to talking with you soon. Thank you for your consideration.


  Arthur Pallett


  Respect leadership:


  I am in the school student, to the rapid growing very interested in yourpany. Zhongshan daily from that, yourpany offers a summer intern position, in read posts after that, I think I fully meet the requirements of yourpany, I pass the cover letter.

  I am in the school student in the department of work and study, has been promoted to chairman of the student union. In January this year in foshan as an electronic product sales, familiar with business departments, including and customer relationship,munication, and smiling curve principle. The marketing, customer service service have experience greatly and rich practical experience. I and 20xx have been to participate in practice to Xxpany, achievements, get thepany leaders praise, is a rare marketing talent.

  I will be in summer vacation after to guangzhou part-time study, such as can be given the chance to make a I show how to help yourpany goal is to be grateful.

  I this summer internship works main purpose is to play to its advantages for yourpany to create value, and to continue to ascend self ability, and obtain the benefits of economy, for next years school, life get a guarantee, hope yourpany will be given.

  The training I “seem to castle peak not relaxed” strong will, I believe that the victory will certainly belong to hard work.



  Respect leadership:


  First please allow me to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes,thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and wish your organization business thriving,flourishing!

  I am a tourism management,Jiangxi Institute of Education in school sophomore,recently informed of your travel agency is recruiting guides,I hope to have the opportunity to travel to your work.

  In school,I study hard and expertise,and its invested enormous enthusiasm and energy,and after careful study and textbook knowledge,I have actively participated in the training practice,and have achieved certain results,and I in 20xx through a national tour qualification examinations and obtain the certificate in 20xx,took part in the May-June tour of Jiangxi Education with the mission of training and practice,accumulated some work experience in the spare time I read the back carefully attractions guide words,I learned there skills,knowledge and grasp of the relevant industry information,and for speech training,exercise his eloquence,there is a strong practitioner with knowledge and skills. I'm good at storytelling,character,cheerful living waves,like with people,able to handle all types of emergencies,in two practical activities have been recognized by tourists. I usually like sports,and physical well to hard-working,for me,the guide is a challenging,interesting work,I have it full of enthusiasm!

  I look forward to learning has been used,eager to practice their knowledge can be the test,but looking forward to enrich my experience and life experience. I believe I will do in this wonderful work. Expect you to give me a stage to show their!


  Dear tour manager:


  First please allow me to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes, thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and wish your organization business thriving, flourishing!

  I am a tourism management, jiangxi institute of education in school sophomore, recently informed of your travel agency is

  Recruiting guides, i hope to have the opportunity to travel to your work.

  In school, i study hard and expertise, and its invested enormous enthusiasm and energy, and after careful study and textbook knowledge, i have actively participated in the training practice, and have achieved certain results, and i in XX through a national tour qualification examinations and obtain the certificate in XX, took part in the may-june tour of jiangxi education with the mission of training and practice, accumulated some work experience in the spare time i read the back carefully attractions guide words, i learned there skills, knowledge and grasp of the relevant industry

  Information, and for speech training, exercise his eloquence, there is a strong practitioner with knowledge and skills. i'm good at storytelling, character, cheerful living waves, like with people, able to handle all types of emergencies, in two practical activities have been recognized by tourists. i usually like sports, and physical well to hard-working, for me, the guide is a challenging, interesting work, i have it full of enthusiasm!

  I look forward to learning has been used, eager to practice their knowledge can be the test, but looking forward to enrich my

  experience and life experience. i believe i will do in this wonderful work. expect you to give me a stage to show their!



  Dear Sir,

  I should like to apply for one of the scholarships that your department may be offering to students from other countries. Would please send me the necessary application forms and any further details about the scholarships?

  I am a postgraduate student in Beijing Science and Engineering University. I am majored in microelectronics engineering, and have done some research work during my study years. I hope to have a further study and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the engineering scholarship.

  enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and my score report card. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.

  Respectfully yours, xxx


  Dear Sir/Madam:

  I was referred to you by , a partner with your peking office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire a Network Maintenance Engineer for your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows 20xx and LINUX feel that I am competent to meet the will be graduating from Graduate School of peking University this year with a studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in ability to write and speak English is out of enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal ,



  First please allow me to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes, thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and wish your organization business thriving, flourishing!

  I am a tourism management, Jiangxi Institute of Education in school sophomore, recently informed of your travel agency is recruiting guides, I hope to have the opportunity to travel to your work.

  In school, I study hard and expertise, and its invested enormous enthusiasm and energy, and after careful study and textbook knowledge, I have actively participated in the training practice, and have achieved certain results, and I in 20xx through a national tour qualification examinations and obtain the certificate in 20xx, took part in the May-June tour of Jiangxi Education with the mission of training and practice, accumulated some work experience in the spare time I read the back carefully attractions guide words, I learned there skills, knowledge and grasp of the relevant industry information, and for speech training, exercise his eloquence, there is a strong practitioner with knowledge and skills. Im good at storytelling, character, cheerful living waves, like with people, able to handle all types of emergencies, in two practical activities have been recognized by tourists. I usually like sports, and physical well to hard-working, for me, the guide is a challenging, interesting work, I have it full of enthusiasm!

  I look forward to learning has been used, eager to practice their knowledge can be the test, but looking forward to enrich my experience and life experience. I believe I will do in this wonderful work. Expect you to give me a stage to show their!




  Mr Li Yang

  Job Application

  I am writing to apply for the post of tourist am graduating from xx college this June and I have heard that you are recruiting a tourist am very interested in this specialty is computer am adept at oral am willing to meet different people and that is why I think myself suitable for a tourist you and I hope to hear from you sincerely,


  Dear tour manager:


  First please allow me to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes,thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and wish your organization business thriving,flourishing!

  I am a tourism management,Jiangxi Institute of Education in school sophomore,recently informed of your travel agency is recruiting guides,I hope to have the opportunity to travel to your work.

  In school,I study hard and expertise,and its invested enormous enthusiasm and from and after careful study and textbook knowledge,I have actively participated in the training practice,and have achieved certain results,and I in 20xxthrough a national tour qualification examinations and obtain the certificate in 20xx,took part in the May-June tour of Jiangxi Education with the mission of training and practice,accumulated some work experience in the spare time I read the back carefully attractions guide words,I learned there skills,knowledge and grasp of the relevant industry information,and for speech training,exercise his eloquence,there is a strong practitioner with knowledge and skills. I'm good at storytelling,character,cheerful living waves,like with people,able to handle all types of emergencies,in two practical activities have been recognized by tourists. I usually like sports,and physical well to hard-working,for me,the guide is a challenging,interesting work,I have it full of enthusiasm!

  I look forward to learning has been used,eager to practice their knowledge can be the test,but looking forward to enrich my experience and life experience. I believe I will do in this wonderful work. Expect you to give me a stage to show their!





  我是xx国际旅行社出境部操作中心的员工, 做出境旅游三年多,曾经做过韩国部,欧美部的外省市销售经理,也做过团队机位的预定op,对航空公司的预定与操作有一定的了解。与上海,江苏,浙江,安徽等各大社都有良好的合作关系,与新航,马航,菲律宾航空,韩亚等航空公司也有着长期愉快的合作。比较熟悉整个旅游行业的动向,对团队机位销售有一定的了解。

  本人毕业于**高等专科学校英文导游系 (现属**师范大学旅游系)英文四级,听说能力良好。上海户籍,性格活泼开朗,对待工作认真仔细,有计划,能吃苦耐劳,拒绝马虎草率; “鬼点子”多,善于学习和接受新鲜的事物,并融入其中工作努力,积极进取,喜欢富有挑战性的工作状态,有良好的开拓精神,比较喜欢销售类以及旅行社操作方面的工作。












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