
news2024/9/20 8:11:39



  ( )1. ----How is everything going with you? ----- _______.


  A. All right, thanks B. That’s right, thank you

  C. How are you? D. How do you do?

  ( )2. You look _________, What’s wrong ?

  A. happy B. worried C. excited D. healthy

  ( )3. It’s polite to say ______ to others when you leave.

  A. hello B. thanks C. sorry D. goodbye

  ( )4. Changjiang River is one of ________ in the world.

  A. the longest river B. the longest the rivers

  C. the longest rivers D. the longer rivers

  ( )5. One of us ________ from Hechuan.

  A. come B. comes C. is coming D. came

  ( ) 6. The Greens _________ to Canada next week.

  A. is going back B. is returning back

  C. are going back D. are returning back

  ( )7. Of the twins, Lucy is ________.

  A. taller B. the taller C. the tallest D. tallest

  8. There is little water in the bottle. (变反意疑问句)

  There is little water in the bottle, _________ _________?

  9. When were you born? Can you tell me? (合并为一句)

  Can you tell me when ___________ ________ born?

  10. He is a very handsome man.(感叹句)

  ______ ______ handsome man he is! ______ ______ he is!

  11. I think he has nothing to eat, _______ _________?(变反意疑问句)

  12. She often comes to help us. (对划线部分提问)

  __________ does she often _________?

  13. They exercise two hours a day. (对划线部分提问)

  _______ ________ do they exercise a day?

  *14. “Come here.” The policeman said to the man. (合并句子)

  The policeman told the man ______ _______ there.


  1. I spend 30 minutes on Chinese every day.(变同义句)

  (1) I _________ 30 minutes ___________ Chinese every day.

  (2) It ________ me 30 minutes to _________ Chinese every day.

  2. She spent 300 yuan on the watch.(变同义句)

  (1) She ______ the watch _____ 300 yuan.

  (2) She ______ 300 yuan _____ the watch.

  3. I am going to Michael’s house this evening.(变一般疑问句)

  _______ _______ going to Michael’s house this evening?

  4. --- Were you at Michael’s last night, Jane?(作肯定回答)

  --- Yes, ______ _____.

  5. How did she come here yesterday? I don’t know. (合并为一句)

  I don’t know how __________ ___________ here yesterday.

  6. She is very beautiful. (感叹句)

  ___________ ___________ she is!

  7. I have few friends here. (变反意疑问句)

  I have few friends here, __________ ___________?

  ( ) 8. She is so happy that there _____ on her face.

  A. is a smile B. is a big smile

  C. are all smiles D. both B and C

  ( )9. She is ______ in the ______ movie.

  A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested

  C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested

  ( ) 10. _______ news! We all feel excited.

  A. What a good B. How good a C. What good D. How good

  ( )11. The boy ________ a white T-shirt is waiting _________ a bus stop.

  A. for, for B. of, on C. on, of D. in, at

  ( ) 12. His father ______ football, but he is______ basketball.

  A. like, interested in B. is interested in, like

  C. is fond of, interested in D. interests in, fond of


  ( )1. She feels_______, because she lost her pen.

  A. happy B. unhappy C. active D. excited

  ( )2.You don’t look ________. What’s wrong?

  A. well B. good C. tiring D. moving

  ( )3. She was late ________ the bus this morning.

  A. at B. to C. for D. with

  ( )4. You should get a ticket ________ boating first.

  A. to B. at C. with D. for

  ( )5. They _______ us and ______ the match.

  A. won, won B. beat, beat C. beat, won D. won, beat

  ( )6. Tom is only 3. He isn’t _______ to go to school.

  A. too young B. so young C. enough old D. old enough

  ( )7. Mr. Huang often makes us ________ notes.

  A. to copy B. copying C. copy D. copied

  8. I spend half an hour on English every day. (变同意句)

  It ___________me half an hour to _________English every day.

  9. We watched an exciting match yesterday, _____ ______? (变反意疑问句)

  10. They work very hard..(感叹句)

  ________ ________ they work.

  11. Is she from Canada? I’m not sure.(合并为一句)

  I’m not sure ____________ she ____________ from Canada.


  ( ) 1. Kate, you’d better _______supper, I have _____ food already.(已经)

  A. prepare, prepared B. prepare for, prepared for

  C. prepare, prepared for D. prepare for, prepared

  ( ) 2. She said Tom ______ school yesterday.

  A. isn’t at B. doesn’t come to

  C. didn’t come to D. won’t come

  ( ) 3. That sounds ______.

  A. a good idea B. like a good idea C. like a idea D. like good

  ( ) 4. Nobody ________ who she is.

  A. knew B. knows C. know D. is knowing

  ( ) 5. You don’t look ________. What’s wrong?

  A. healthy B. healthy C. healthily D. healthier

  ( ) 6. ________ news! We all feel sad!

  A. How good B. How bad a C. What bad D. What a good

  ( ) 7. Don’t make other __________ for long.

  A. waiting B. wait C. to wait D. waited

  ( ) 8. Mike ______ to bed until 12 o’clock last night.

  A. went B. didn’t go C. goes D. doesn’t

  9. Jim came to China after he finished his high school. (改为同义句)

  Jim ________ come to China ______ he finished his high school.

  10. I can look after myself well. (改为同义句)

  I can _____ ______ myself well. (改为同义句) I can _____ ______ care of mysel

  11. She is very kind. She helps me a lot. (合并为一句)

  It is very kind ________ __________ to help me a lot.

  12. He is a cool boy. (感叹句)

  _________ _______ cool boy he is!

  13. He is never late for school, _______ ________?(变反意疑问句)

  14. Kate will leave for USA in three days.(对划线部分提问)

  _________ __________ will Kate leave for USA?


  ( )1. We are both happy to be with ________.

  A. each other B. others C. another D. the other

  ( )2. I met Mr. Lee on the way _______.

  A. to here B. school C. to there D. home

  ( )3. Most old people are afraid ________.

  A. to lonely B. to be lonely C. of being lonely D. of lonely

  ( )4. Mr. Fat is too fat _________.

  A. to run fast B. that can’t run fast C. can run fast D. can’t run fast.

  ( )5. The girl ________ Lucy.

  A. is call B. is calling C. is called D. called

  ( )6. Will you please ________ eat in class?

  A. not B. not to C. don’t D. be not

  ( )7. So _______ homework really make the students feel tired.

  A. much B. many C. little D. few

  ( )8. It’s true that every student _______ to having a good future.

  A. hopes B. look forward C. wishes D. wants

  9. We are living in a city called Chongqing.(改为同义句)

  We’re living in a city _________ Chongqing.

  We’re living a city _______ ______ _______ Chongqing.

  10. He runs so fast that he can catch a horse.(改为同义句)

  He runs ________ ________ to catch a horse.

  11. Jane is a very lovely girl. (感叹句)

  __________ __________ lovely girl Jane is!

  12. John went to Shanghai last week, ________ _______? (变反意疑问句)

  13. Are they from Cuba? I’m not sure.(合并为一句)

  I’m not sure __________ they __________ from Cuba?


  ( )1. We are happy to be with _____.

  A. each other B. others C. another D. the other

  ( )2. I met Mr. Lee on the way _______.

  A. to here B. to school C. to there D. to home

  ( )3. We are all afraid ________.

  A. to that lonely house B. to go to that lonely house

  C. of going to that lonely house D. of that lonely house

  ( )4. Mr. Fast runs so fast __________easily.

  A. to stop B. that he can’t stop C. can stop D. can’t stop.

  ( )5. The girl _________ Lucy is my best friend.

  A. is call B. is calling C. is called D. called

  ( )6. Please don’t eat in class,___________?

  A. will you B. shall we C. don’t you D. do you

  7. Both Jim and I are in Class 9. (否定句)

  ________ Jim _________ I am in Class9.

  8. He jumps so high that he can catch the flying bird .(同义句)

  He jumps ________ ________ to catch the flying bird.

  9. Michael works very hard at Chinese. (感叹句)

  _________ _________ Michael works!

  10. How can I get there? Can you tell me? (合并为一句)

  Can you tell me how ________________ get there?

  11. It’s twenty minutes’ bike ride to our school from here.(对划线部分提问)

  ________ _________ is it to our school from here?

  12. Grandpa lived in the countryside for 70 years. (对划线部分提问)

  _________ _________ did Grandpa live in the countryside?





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