
news2024/9/21 7:49:46


Module 5 Unit 1 There are enough!    第一课时  :Listening and speaking  Knowledge aim: New words and the expressions There are…There are enough… There aren’t enough… There is… There is enough… There isn’t enough… Words: enough, give out, give…to… Ability aim: Train them to describe with “There are enough… There aren’t enough…” Ideological aim: Let the students have the realization of learn. Main points: New words, new pattern. Difficult points: There are enough… There aren’t enough… The pronunciation of the words “enough” Teaching materials: cards, ppt. Teaching process Step One: Warming-up a. Song: Take me to your heart T: Take me to your heart, take English to your heart. T: It’s time for class. S: Good morning, Miss Liu. T: Good morning, everyone.  Sit down, please. b. Ask and answer T: How many children in our class? S: There are 27 children in our class. (给每个回答问题的孩子一个苹果) T: How many desks are there in our class? T: Describe what are on the blackboard. Ss: There are two trees. There are four clouds.  There is one sun.  There are two mushrooms. T:Yes, you are right, I give one apple to you. 将There is , There are 各写到一棵树里,并明确可数名词单、复数的'用法。 T: Good. Let’s see the back of the apples, there are some words. Let’s see choose the correct tree. Group work, discuss with your group and choose the correct tree.(孩子们到黑板上贴上单词卡,一边是不可数的,一边是不可数的) Fill the blanks. There is some milk/juice/cheese. There are some eggs/caps/pencils. T: Wonderful! I give out the stickers for you.(我给其中一个孩子,并一直说“Help me, give out the stickers.”) 在发贴画的时候,有三个组我故意少发一个,例组里有四个孩子,我发给他们三个。有些孩子会站起来说话。 T: Are there enough? S: No. Step Two: Representation a. New word T: How many children in your group? Ss: Four. T: How many stickers I gave out? Ss: Three. T: There aren’t enough. b. drills    enough gh:[f]  T: In the word, what does “gh” pronounce? Ss:[f] T: We have learnt some words with “gh”, but they are silent, who can give me an example? Ss: bought light  right  night  eight  high. Step Three: New course a.  Target language T: How many children in our class? S: There are 27 children in our class. T: How many desks are there in our class? S: There are 28 desks. T: There are enough. T: Talk about the other things. (use the things in the classroom )老师可帮助与提醒,学生以培养他们的口语交际能力 b. Look at the pictures and describe Ss: There are four children. There are four pencils. There are enough. There are three boys. There are two chairs. There aren’t enough. T: Well done! You can do it very well. You are so wonderful! Step Four: Practice Describe the poor village T: Look at the TV. In some poor village, it’s their house and their classroom. Ss: There isn’t enough food. There aren’t enough clothes. There aren’t enough desks. There aren’t enough books.  There aren’t enough teachers.  There aren’t enough pencils. There aren’t enough lights. T: What are there in our school? Ss: There are so many trees and flowers. There is enough food. There are enough clothes. There are enough desks. There are enough books.  There are enough teachers.  There are enough pencils. There are enough lights. T: It sounds good. We have got more things, so we should study harder and harder. Then our country will be stronger and stronger. Step Five: Sum up. T: Today we learnt to describe with “enough” and we knew the importance of study. Let’s do our best to study. Come on. Listen to the tape and answer,underline the important words. Step Six: Homework. Write some sentences about our school with “There are enough… There aren’t enough…There is enough… There isn’t enough…”     《英语》(新标准)(三起)第五册 Module 5 Unit 2 There are too many books on the desk  第二课时:Practice and review Knowledge aim: There are…There are enough… There aren’t enough… There is… There is enough… There isn’t enough… Ability aim: Train them to describe with “There are enough… There aren’t enough…” Ideological aim: Suggest something with “There are too many…” Main points: There are too many books on the desk. Difficult points: 1.Make sentences with “There are too many……. “ 2. Know the pronunciations of ear, eer, oor, our,air,ear Teaching materials: cards, ppt. Teaching process Step One: Warming-up a.  Song: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Listen carefully. Then tell me “Who stole it?” b.  Review the words of this module: enough give every everyone them careful Let students say the words quickly and remember them. Step Two: Representation a. Listen to the CD-ROM b. Listen to the CD-ROM again and repeat the text. c. Clap the hands and say it again. Know the meaning of the text. Pay attention the pronunciation of “put , them” Step Three: drill a. Point and say: There are four pictures. You should make sentences of“ There are too many … There is too much…” e.g.:  There are too many people on the bus. There are too many books in the bag. There are too many pencils in the box. There are too many T-shirts on the line. There is too much cheese in the box. b. Game: One student say the number of the things, one students say the number of the people, the last student say the sentences. e.g.: S1: 2 chairs.  S2: 20 people.   S3: There are too many people.  There aren’t enough cars. c. Write some suggestion to our school or our government. e.g.:  There is too much cabbage. There is not enough meat. There are too many children. There aren’t enough classrooms. There is too much rubbish. There are not enough bins. Encourage the students speak English more and more. If they make some mistakes, help them and praise them. Step Four: pronunciation a.  Listen and read the same color words b.  Stick some words on the blackboard ear, dear, near, fear, hear, pour, hair, pear, wear, stair, beer, deer, tour, , bear, Teacher stick them and speak at the same time, let students to divide them correctly. ear dear near hear fear pear wear bear  pour tour  beer deer hair stair Step Five: Homework. Copy the sentences and recite them.    





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