
news2024/9/20 6:37:19





英 [ˈæpl] 美 [ˈæpəl]


1. Apple's success over the past 10 years has demonstrated a new business trend.

2. " Baidu is teaming up with Apple to grab more traffic volume for its wireless business, " Dong said.

3. Chardonnay 2006 has lovely nut, butterscotch and vanilla oak weight supporting a zesty palate packed with apple and citrus flavors.

4. Those who want to use other operators'services can choose to buy the iPhone from Apple stores in China.

5. Customers can buy the new iPhone at Apple's online store and seven retail stores, resellers and stores of mobile operators China Unicom and China Telecom.

6. Customers can buy the new iPhone at Apple's online store and seven retail stores, resellers and stores of China Unicom and China Telecom mobile operators.

7. Customers in the US could shop and buy the device anywhere they are and pick up their purchase at any Apple retail store.

8. In recent years scalpers lining up outside Apple shops to buy up new products to resell has become a common sight.

9. Many of the buyers identified themselves as early adopters and Apple enthusiasts, making it harder to tell if the iPad will win over mainstream customers.

10. Though Apple has not said when it will release the iPhone 5, the buzz is reaching a fever pitch in several major Chinese cities.


英 ['ærɪkə] 美 [ə'rɪkə]


1. In many Asia cultures chewing areca is known to be a strong risk factor for developing oral cancer.


2. The high correlation between areca chewing and oral squamous cell carcinoma in Taiwan and many other South Asian country was known.


3. We used the community sample information collected by the Taiwan Areca quid Prevalence Survey study to delineate the dental service expenses.


4. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were used to explore the photosynthesis of Areca triandra Roxb.


5. Objective: To observe the effect of Areca nut decoction on gastric smooth muscle contraction of rats with functional dyspepsia.

目的 :观察槟榔对功能性消化不良模型大鼠胃平滑肌运动的影响。

6. Now, they come for tobacco and paan (an addictive mixture of betel leaves and areca nut).



英 [pəˈsɪmən] 美 [pərˈsɪmən]


1. Most Chinese hold it's poisonous to eat crab and persimmon in one sitting, while many in Western countries say the same of citrus and shrimp.

2. Construction workers swept aside a tennis court and some persimmon trees to clear way for the work.

3. Growers in the county use a traditional manual method for peeling, hanging and drying the fruit to to make creamy and sweet dried persimmon.

4. Derelict roads have been rebuilt and persimmon trees and other vegetation kept.

5. Player said Nicklaus and other contemporaries dealt with spiked up greens, persimmon drivers and relatively dead balls.

6. The persimmon season is at its peak in the capital and there's no better time to appreciate one of East Asia's finest native fruits.

7. It is not necessarily easy to explain the appeal of a persimmon to somebody who has never seen one.

8. He had wrapped something special in his package - two persimmon saplings.





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