英语口语Bob drives a hard bargain

news2024/9/20 6:39:39

英语口语Bob drives a hard bargain

  实用口语: Bob drives a hard bargain

英语口语Bob drives a hard bargain


  Carol from the Village Market calls Bob to discuss Susan's Scrumptious Cookies. Carol and Bob discuss how much Bob will receive for each cookie.

  Carol: Hi Bob. How's it going?

  Bob: Fine thanks, Carol. How are you?

  Carol: Can't complain. Bob, I've had a chance to crunch some numbers. I can pay you 50 cents per cookie.

  Bob: That's out of the question. At that price, it's not worth our while. The ingredients alone cost us 30 cents per cookie.

  Carol: Okay, let me sweeten the deal -- 60 cents per cookie?

  Bob: Carol, my wife and I need to make a living from this business.

  Carol: Okay, okay, you've twisted my arm. I'll pay you 75 cents per cookie. Take it or leave it!

  Bob: Now you're talking! We'll take it.

  Carol: You drive a hard bargain, Bob.

  Bob: Yes, but we make a good cookie.

  Carol: Let's get the ball rolling. Bring me 2,000 cookies on Monday morning by 9 a.m.

  实用口语:Susan hires Bob to run her business


  Susan stays up all night thinking about her cookie business. In the morning, she discusses it with Bob. Bob agrees to work for her.

  Bob: You're up bright and early this morning, Susan.

  Susan: I didn't sleep a wink. I was awake all night thinking about the new business.

  Bob: Running your own business is lots of work. Are you prepared to work like a dog?

  Susan: No. But I am prepared to hire you to run the business.

  Bob: You want me to run a cookie business? Fat chance!

  Susan: Why not?

  Bob: I don't have a clue about making cookies. I don't even know how to turn the oven on!

  Susan: I'll give you a crash course.

  Bob: Do I have to do the baking?

  Susan: No. You'll just manage the business side.

  Bob: Needless to say, I have mixed feelings about working for you.

  Susan: I'll be nice. I promise you'll be a happy camper.

  Bob: Okay. Let's give it a shot, boss!

  实用口语: Bob returns home with bad news


  Bob tells his wife Susan that he lost his job. Susan suggests that he start his own business.

  Susan: What's the matter, dear?

  Bob: Susan, I got canned today at work.

  Susan: But Bob, you were Peter's right-hand man!

  Bob: Yes, and he stabbed me in the back.

  Susan: Keep your chin up. Maybe he'll change his mind and take you back.

  Bob: When pigs fly! Once he makes up his mind, he never changes it. Besides, I told him off.

  Susan: Look on the bright side: you won't have to set eyes on Peter ever again.

  Bob: Thank goodness for that!

  Susan: Hang in there. I'm sure you won't be out of work for long

  Bob: In the meantime, we'll have to live from hand to mouth.

  Susan: Don't get too stressed out, Bob. We'll make ends meet.

  Bob: I can always get a job at McDonald's as a last resort.

  Susan: I don't think they're hiring right now.

  Bob: If worse comes to worst, we can sell our home and move into a tent.

  Susan: Let's think big! Maybe you can start your own business.

  Bob: Easier said than done!

  实用口语:Ted's day at school


  Ted tells his parents he did poorly on his chemistry test. They tell him he needs to get serious and study more.

  Susan: How was your day at school today, Ted?

  Ted: Bad. I had a chemistry test, and I blew it!

  Susan: Maybe if you didn't cut class so often, you'd do better.

  Bob: That's right, son. Stop slacking off and start hitting the books!

  Ted: But I can't stand chemistry class. Besides, it's a lost cause. That class is way over my head.

  Susan: You need to buckle down.

  Ted: When I'm a famous musician, people won't give a hoot about my knowledge of atoms and molecules.

  Bob: That's beside the point.

  Susan: We know you have your heart set on going to New York University.

  Bob: And you don't stand a chance of getting in there with such poor grades!

  实用口语:Nicole's day at school


  Nicole tells her mother Susan about her successful presentation at school. Her brother Ted overhears and interrupts the conversation.

  Susan: How was your day at school today, Nicole?

  Nicole: It was great, Mom. I gave a presentation on Hillary Clinton in government class. Afterwards, my teacher paid me a compliment.

  Susan: What did she say?

  Nicole: She said my presentation was head and shoulders above the others.

  Susan: Way to go!

  Nicole: She also said I should go into politics, just like Hillary.

  Ted: You're so gung ho about school. It drives me crazy.

  Nicole: Ted, don't butt in! You're just jealous.

  Ted: Right. You hit the nail on the head. I'm green with envy.

  Nicole: Would you just shut up? You're on thin ice with me right now.

  Ted: Oh no! Look at me. I'm shaking in my shoes!

  实用口语: Ted goes out for the evening


  Ted leaves to go visit his girlfriend Amber. Ted's mother Susan says she doesn't really like Amber She wishes him a good time anyway.

  Ted: See you later, Mom!

  Susan: Where are you going, Ted?

  Ted: I told Amber I'd drop by.

  Susan: What are you two going to do?

  Ted: Maybe go to the movies or to a party. Our plans are still up in the air.

  Susan: Why don't you invite her over here?

  Ted: I don't want to hang around here. Dad is really down in the dumps.

  Susan: Is Amber the girl with the nose ring and the purple hair?

  Ted: Yeah. I'm crazy about her!

  Susan: Don't take this the wrong way, but she's not exactly my cup of tea.

  Ted: Take it easy, Mom. We're not about to get married. We just enjoy hanging out together.

  Susan: I guess there's no accounting for taste. Have a good time.

  Ted: Don't worry. We'll have a blast!

  Susan: (under her breath) That's what I'm afraid of!





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