英语give rise to的翻译形式

news2024/9/20 9:06:49

英语give rise to的翻译形式

  英语give rise to的用法是很重要的,我们首先要知道它的翻译形式。下文是百分网小编为大家准备了英文短语give rise to的中文翻译形式,希望能对大家有所帮助!

英语give rise to的翻译形式

  give rise to的翻译

  英[ɡiv raiz tu:] 美[ɡv raz tu]





  1. These bad conditions have given rise to a lot of crime.


  give rise to的单语例句

  1. Evans offered the means for achieving this by isolating embryonic stem cells in mice, which give rise to all the cells in the body.

  2. Pluripotent is a term meaning the cells can give rise to all the tissues in the body.

  3. Tsang said authorities may give up classifying the cases if the numbers continue to rise.

  4. You need to give them room to rise or they will clump or stick together.

  5. The collapse of the world's established order is also expected to give rise to and escalate disputes and friction between those geographically adjacent emerging powers.

  6. The combination of economic slowdown and easing inflation may give rise to louder calls for an ease in the monetary policy.

  7. A more serious consequence of a blind faith in industrial upgrade is that it may give rise to misconceptions about industrial restructuring.

  8. Hyundai admitted the car's cost will rise but declined to give a price.

  9. The huge profits there give rise to abundant opportunities for rent seeking.

  give rise to的双语例句

  1. The research concludes that different time delays act a role of synchronization entrainment and desynchronization, and also can give rise to multistability of synchronization.


  2. The exhaustive application of such an organon would give rise to a system of pure reason.


  3. Article 23 A liability is a present obligation arising from past transactions or events which are expected to give rise to an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise.


  4. The 1970s showed how demand and supply, inelastic in the short run, eventually give rise to conservation and new production.


  5. Keeping the platform inposition at sea will give rise to furtherproblems.





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